Transform Your Mornings with Purpose and Faith

Discover the power of starting your day with intention through my "Create Your Intentional Morning Routine" Guidebook. Designed specifically for Christian women entrepreneurs, this guidebook helps you align your morning practices with your faith, setting a foundation of purpose, clarity, and success. 

Begin each day grounded in God’s wisdom, focused on your goals, and committed to personal well-being, empowering you to thrive in both your personal and professional life.
Hello, I'm Jenna!

I am a fan of all things cozy and creative, based in beautiful Minnesota. As a dedicated journaling enthusiast, dog mom, and wife to my amazing husband, Clinton, I find joy in the little moments that make life special. Whether I'm out on our fishing boat, curled up with a good book, sipping tea, or whipping up gluten-free treats in the kitchen, I'm always seeking peace and inspiration. Through my work as a blogger, journaling coach, and author, I'm passionate about helping women grow in faith, personal development, and business success. Partnering with Girl Power Alliance, I create resources and courses to empower women on their journey to fulfillment. Join me as we embrace life's adventures and create a brighter, more purposeful future together.

Copyright Jenna Herrig